Eligibility & Application
Official Sonoma State University Foster Youth Definition
"Foster Youth" is defined on the Sonoma State University Campus as an individual who had an open juvenile dependency case at any age and for any length of time. Both current and former foster youth are eligible for Seawolf Scholars. Also accepted under the Foster Youth definition is:
- Guardianship Care/Kinship Care - A person other than a parent is given custody of a child. This is often done through a petition to the court for approval.
- Ward of the Court - The court system has primary responsibility over the minor and can limit the control a parent or guardian may have.
- Emancipated Minor - You are free from the custody and control of your parents (or guardians).
- Unaccompanied Homeless Youth - A minor who is not in the care or custody of a parent or guardian and meets the definition of homeless.
- Independent by Appeal (must be updated yearly) - As an independent student, you will report your own information in your FAFSA application. Please contact the financial aid office for info or visit the website for more information and to access the form.
Special cases will be reviewed by the Seawolf Scholars Manager.
Seawolf Scholars Program Admissions Criteria
- Qualify for admission to Sonoma State University as a first-year student or transfer undergraduate student
- Must be a current or former Foster Youth, based on the definition above.
- Complete the Seawolf Scholars Application
- Submit your legal verification documentation. Acceptable documents to verify eligibility are a copy of a juvenile dependency court document indicating foster care in the child welfare system, documentation from county social services confirming they were under the care of the Department of Social Services, Independent Living Certification and/or an adoption Decree. Youths who are unable to obtain verification from their county can request verification from the Foster Care Ombudsperson’s office by calling 1-877-846-1602. You can also visit the California Foster Care Ombudsperson to obtain your foster care verification. You can also request it from your Social Worker or high school counselor.
- Schedule a welcome/intake appointment with the Seawolf Scholars team.
Seawolf Scholars Application
The Seawolf Scholars Program does not have a formal application deadline, eligible students will be admitted on a continual basis.
If you think you are eligible for Seawolf Scholars and would like to apply, please complete the Seawolf Scholars Application.